Since June 23rd, 2014

Friday, December 8, 2017

New schedule, day five

  • Neupogen injection at Siteman West County
Within an hour or so of my injection this morning, I had bone pain in my lower back and hips that was spasming so bad I couldn’t get out of bed. Nurses say that Claritin helps with Neupogen bone pain so I tried that, but it didn’t help me in this case. Héctor had to come home and care for me, it left me feeling helpless and scared. I think this the first time we’ve had the Neupogen injections so close to treatment, so maybe that’s why it was so bad. All I know is that it was really scary for us both.


  1. I'm so sorry you've been dealing with scary and debilitating pain. I hope and pray you have a better week. Let me know if there's anything I can do please. I work in West County and have plenty of PTO so I can always just come hang out with you at Siteman to break the monotony up a bit. xoxoxo
