Since June 23rd, 2014


  • May 10th - At home physical therapy appointment 
  • April 26th - At home physical therapy appointment
  • April 23rd - At home physical therapy appointment
  • April 18th - At home physical therapy appointment
  • April 16th - CT scan of my chest, abdomen and pelvis
  • April 10th - Treatment day, FOLFOX #12
  • April 6th - Abdominal ultrasound and paracentesis at Barnes West County Hospital (3500 ml of fluid removed, approximately 7.72 pounds)
  • April 2nd - At home physical therapy appointment
  • March 27th - Treatment day, FOLFOX #11
  • March 23rd - Abdominal ultrasound and paracentesis at Barnes West County Hospital (4600 ml of fluid removed, approximately 10.14 pounds)
  • March 16th - Trip to the ER at Big Barnes, admitted to Barnes hospital for concern about GI bleeding and observation
  • March 15th - Trip to the ER at Barnes West County Hospital, admitted to the hospital overnight to receive 2 units of red blood cells and for observation
  • March 12th - Outpatient surgery to replace the stent in my left ureter
  • March 6th and 7th - Treatment days, FOLFOX #10
  • February 23rd - Trip to the Cancer Care Clinic at Big Barnes, admitted to Barnes hospital for a unit of red blood cells and observation
  • February 23rd - CT scan of my chest, abdomen and pelvis
  • February 14th - Treatment day, FOLFOX #9
  • January 26th - CT scan of my chest, abdomen and pelvis
  • January 22nd - Treatment day, Folfori #10 (includes Irinotecan treatment #17 and 5-FU)
  • January 15th - Treatment day, Folfori #9 (includes Irinotecan treatment #16 and 5-FU)
  • January 12th - Outpatient surgery to replace the stent in my left ureter
  • January 8th - Trip to the Cancer Care Clinic at Big Barnes, re: running a high fever and concern about a possible infection, admitted to Barnes hospital for observation
  • January 2nd Treatment day, Folfori #8 (includes Irinotecan treatment #15 and 5-FU)
  • December 26th - Treatment day, Folfori #7 (includes Irinotecan treatment #14 and 5-FU)
  • December 11th - Treatment day, Folfori #6 (includes Irinotecan treatment #13 and 5-FU)
  • December 4th - Treatment day, Folfori #5 (includes Irinotecan treatment #12 and 5-FU), delayed one week due to surgery
  • November 29th - Outpatient surgery to replace the stent in my left ureter
  • November 20th - CT scan of my chest, abdomen and pelvis
  • November 13th - Treatment day, Irinotecan treatment #11
  • October 30th - Treatment day, Irinotecan treatment #10, delayed one week due to low platelet count
  • October 10th - Treatment day, Irinotecan treatment #9
  • September 26th - Treatment day, Irinotecan treatment #8, delayed one week due to low blood counts
  • September 15th - CT scan of my chest, abdomen and pelvis
  • September 6th - Treatment day, Irinotecan treatment #7, delayed four weeks due to low blood counts and surgery
  • August 28th - Bone marrow exam, normal results
  • August 16th - Outpatient surgery to replace the stent in my left ureter
  • August 3rd - MRI of my brain, normal results
  • July 25th - Treatment day, Folfori #4 (includes Irinotecan treatment #6 and 5-FU), delayed two weeks due to low blood counts
  • June 27th - Treatment day, Folfori #3 (includes Irinotecan treatment #5 and 5-FU)
  • June 26th - CT scan of my chest, abdomen and pelvis
  • June 13th - Treatment day, Folfori #2 (includes Irinotecan treatment #4 and 5-FU)
  • June 9th - Outpatient surgery to replace the stent in my left ureter (with a shorter one)
  • May 30th - Treatment day, Folfori #1 (includes Irinotecan treatment #3 and 5-FU)
  • May 16th - Treatment day, Irinotecan treatment #2
  • May 2nd - Treatment day, Irinotecan treatment #1
  • April 28th - Outpatient surgery to place a stent in my left ureter
  • April 25th - Chest CT scan and MRI of my abdomen and pelvis that both show progression of my metastatic disease 
  • March 22nd-27th - Radiation treatments on my abdominal muscle tumor
  • March 11th - Admitted to the hospital with chicken pox (for observation)
  • March 6th - Chest CT scan and MRI of my abdomen and pelvis. Previously noted tumors and enlarged lymph nodes all show slight growth. The largest abdominal muscle tumor now measures 1.6 cm by 2.1 cm. A new small (3 mm) lesion is noted in my left upper lung lobe, the first sign that my cancer has possibly spread to my lungs.
  • January 24th - Treatment day, Avastin infusion + week of Xeloda starts today
  • January 10th - Treatment day, Avastin infusion + week of Xeloda starts today, delayed two weeks due to low blood counts (and a vacation)
  • January 9th - CT scan of my abdomen, chest and pelvis
  • December 13th - Treatment day, Avastin infusion + week of Xeloda starts today 
  • November 29th - Treatment day, Avastin infusion + week of Xeloda starts today, delayed one week due to low blood counts 
  • November 8th - Treatment day, Avastin infusion + week of Xeloda starts today 
  • October 25th - Treatment day, Avastin infusion + week of Xeloda starts today
  • October 19th - Chest CT scan and MRI of my abdomen and pelvis
  • October 4th - Treatment day, Avastin infusion + week of Xeloda starts today
  • September 20th - Treatment day, Avastin infusion + week of Xeloda starts today
  • September 6th - Treatment day, Avastin infusion + week of Xeloda starts today
  • August 23rd - Treatment day, Avastin infusion + week of Xeloda starts today
  • August 19th - CT scan of my abdomen, chest and pelvis
  • July 18th - Cyroablation procedure on 2 liver tumors in my right liver lobe
  • July 6th - Y90 radioembolization procedure, directed at the 4 liver tumors in my right liver lobe
  • June 15th - Treatment day, Avastin infusion + pump attached to receive 5FU over the next 46 hours
  • June 14th - Mapping for Y90 radioembolization procedure
  • June 8th - CT scan of my abdomen, chest and pelvis. 4 liver lesions have all slightly increased in size, the largest now measuring 1.2 cm by 1.3 cm
  • May 9th - Aborted liver resection surgery turned exploratory surgery upon the discovery of peritoneal metastasis
  • May 6th - Colonoscopy - all clear
  • May 4th - MRI, 4 liver lesions have all slightly increased in size
  • March 22nd - Treatment day, Avastin infusion + week of Xeloda starts today
  • March 8th - Treatment day, Avastin infusion + week of Xeloda starts today
  • March 1st - MRI of my liver, no changes noted from January's MRI - "stable"
  • February 23rd - Treatment day, Avastin infusion + week of Xeloda starts today
  • February 11th - Oral surgery to pull out a tooth
  • January 12th Treatment day, Avastin infusion + week of Xeloda starts today
  • January 11th - MRI of my abdomen, 3 new small liver lesions
  • December 29th - CT scan of my abdomen, chest and pelvis. Further testing is suggested. Treatment day, Avastin infusion + week of Xeloda starts today
  • December 15th - Treatment day, Avastin infusion + week of Xeloda starts today
  • December 8th – Ultrasound done on the blood vessels around my port to check for a blood clot – no clots found
  • December 7th – Trip to the Cancer Care Clinic at Big Barnes for a suspected infection, possibly an infection of my port - cultures all came back negative
  • November 24thTreatment day, Avastin infusion + week of Xeloda starts today
  • November 10th - Treatment day, Avastin infusion + week of Xeloda starts today
  • October 27th - Treatment day, Avastin infusion + week of Xeloda starts today
  • October 13th - Treatment day, Avastin infusion + week of Xeloda starts today
  • October 6th - CT scan of my abdomen, chest and pelvis with no signs of metastatic disease (NED)
  • September 29th - Treatment day, Avastin infusion + week of Xeloda starts today
  • September 15th - Treatment day, Avastin infusion + week of Xeloda starts today
  • September 1st - Treatment day, Avastin infusion + week of Xeloda starts today
  • August 18th - Treatment day, Avastin infusion + week of Xeloda starts today
  • August 4th - Treatment day, Avastin infusion + week of Xeloda starts today
  • July 21st - Treatment day, Avastin infusion + week of Xeloda starts today
  • July 8th - CT scan of my abdomen and pelvis with no signs of metastatic disease (NED). Chest CT was denied by my insurance.
  • July 7th - Treatment day, Avastin infusion + week of Xeloda starts today (Note: Xeloda is stopped after only 3 days - abdominal pain and swelling.)
  • June 23rd - Treatment day, Avastin infusion + week of Xeloda starts today
  • June 9th - Treatment day, Avastin infusion + week of Xeloda starts today
  • May 26th - Treatment day, Avastin infusion + week of Xeloda starts today. Xeloda dose reduced to 2,500 mg/day due to low neutrophils.
  • May 12th - Treatment day, Avastin infusion + week of Xeloda starts today
  • May 5th - CT scan of my abdomen, chest and pelvis with no signs of metastatic disease (NED)
  • April 28th - Treatment day, Avastin infusion + week of Xeloda starts today
  • April 14th - Treatment day, blood counts are too low again for Oxaliplatin (FOLFOX) so we are officially switching over to a "maintenance" chemo of Xeloda + Avastin. The Avastin is infused over 30 minutes every other week and the Xeloda pills will be 3,000 mg a day for one week on/one week off. Repeat.
  • March 31st - Treatment day, again delayed one week due to low blood counts, discontinued Oxaliplatin, received 5FU over 2 days and Avastin was re-added for the first time since my January surgery
  • March 10th - FOLFOX treatment #10, delayed one week due to low blood counts
  • March 9th - CT scan with no signs of metastatic disease in my chest, abdomen and pelvis (NED, no evidence of disease)
  • February 17th - FOLFOX treatment #9
  • January 18th - ER trip for vomiting, readmitted to the hospital, CT does not show a blockage, discharged a couple days later
  • January 12th - Surgery to remove about 18 inches of my colon on the left side, done as a hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery
  • January 7th - CT/MRI tests with no signs of metastatic disease (cancer that has spread outside of my colon) in the chest, abdomen and pelvis
  • December 23rd - After a number of consultations I've decided to change my care from Mercy to Wash U/Barnes/Siteman
  • December 18th - Bone scan (due to hip pain) that comes back with good results, there is no sign that the cancer has spread to the bones
  • December 17th - Stopped Xeloda because I have flu-like symptoms
  • December 15th - Results of genetic testing show that I do not have any of the abnormalities associated with colon cancer
  • December 11th - Started Xeloda, a pill form of 5FU, as a sort of "maintenance chemo"
  • November 24th - Treatment day #9, Oxaliplatin discontinued, still received the 5FU and Leucovorin parts of FOLFOX, along with Avastin
  • November 21st - PET scan that no longer shows the previously noted activity in the liver nor in the abdominal lymph node
  • November 11th - FOLFOX treatment #8 + Avastin
  • October 28th - FOLFOX treatment #7 + Avastin
  • October 14th - FOLFOX treatment #6 + Avastin
  • September 30th - FOLFOX treatment #5 + Avastin
  • September 16th - FOLFOX treatment #4 + Avastin
  • September 2nd - FOLFOX treatment #3 + Avastin added for the first time
  • August 11th - FOLFOX treatment #2, delayed by one week due to low blood counts
  • July 27th - ER trip for nausea and vomiting
  • July 24th - First chemotherapy treatment, FOLFOX
  • July 22nd - Surgery to implant a port-a-cath in my upper right chest
  • July 16th - PET scan that shows activity in the liver and an abdominal lymph node (in addition of course to the expected activity in the colon and the associated lymph nodes)
  • July 7th - A colonoscopy reveals the tumor in the colon
  • June 25th - Pathology results from the surgery suggest that the cancer did not start in the ovaries but instead in the gastrointestinal tract
  • June 23rd - Surgery day - started as laparoscopic removal of the ovarian mass and ended as a total open hysterectomy with cancer staging and an appendectomy
  • June 9th - Lower right abdominal pain sends me to the ER for a suspected appendicitis, but a CT scan reveals a large ovarian mass as the likely source of the pain

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