Since June 23rd, 2014

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


  • Bloodwork, appointment with Dr. T and NP A and treatment at Siteman South County
Two weeks ago I noticed in my bloodwork results that my platelet count was higher than usual. I looked back through my history and I noticed that my platelet counts had only been that high right after surgeries and radiation procedures. I thought this was interesting but figured the higher count was probably due to my pneumonia. So I was really surprised when Dr. T popped into the room today to tell me that my platelet count was too LOW for treatment for today. TOO LOW. And it's actually the big change from high to low in just two weeks' time that he is concerned about, so we need to delay treatment for a week and recheck my platelet count next week before I can have chemo.

Hector and I shared our Chicago marathon stories with Dr. T, NP A, K and some of his other staff
and they were so happy for us. We've been talking about the marathon for almost a year now and they have been so supportive.

Although disappointed about another delay in treatment, I left the office feeling pretty good. We have my next few weeks scheduled out, including my next CT scan, and I have a lot of positive energy in my life right now. So I was really bummed this afternoon to see that my CEA tumor marker test result has risen again today. If this chemo is working, my CEA should be going down...

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