- Appointment with Dr. D in the CAM building at Big Barnes
Dr. T's office set up an appointment for me right away this afternoon with a urological surgeon. There aren't a ton of choices for this problem. For a patient with advanced cancer, one option is just to deal with the pain and ultimately possibly lose function in that kidney. This surgeon however agrees with Dr. T that trying to put in a stent is another possible option for me. It would be an outpatient surgery under anesthesia to place the stent into the ureter. If during the surgery, the stent isn't able to get past the kink, a third option would be to have a tube placed from the kidney out my back to an external bag. So, let's hope the stent can be placed without any problems. The stent will have to be replaced every 3-4 months through further outpatient surgeries. If chemo could shrink the tumor that is causing the pressure, there is a possibility that a stent wouldn't be needed forever. But, one thing at a time.
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