Since June 23rd, 2014

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


  • Appointment with Dr. P and radiation treatment in the CAM building at Big Barnes
Today was day 1 of the radiation treatment for the tumor located on my abdominal muscle. There was some confusion about my appointment time and a change in the type of radiation machine to be used, but once that was resolved, my appointment and treatment finished without incident.

As it was explained to me, the MRI on the first suggested radiation equipment didn't provide a good/usable picture of my tumor. And in addition, my insurance wouldn't approve that type of radiation for a tumor located where mine is located. So instead, I will be having my treatment done on an Edge machine. Here is a link to the manufacturer's website: "Treatment as sharp as a scalpel."

This machine definitely has some positives:
  1. Each treatment will be 15-20 minutes, instead of 1-2 hours each.
  2. There will be only 4 treatments, instead of 5.
  3. Instead of laying in a closed MRI machine, this machine is open.
  4. We don't need to have another prep appointment because they can use the same cradle (the mold of my backside that they made a couple weeks ago) on this machine as well.

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