Since June 23rd, 2014

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

It's a two gown revelation

  • MRI/CT at Barnes West County Imaging Center
I've decided that early afternoon scan times are no bueno for me. Sure, I get up early to eat breakfast but then I have to wait to eat again until after the scans, so I'm super hungry by the time it's over. And today, the techs had PIZZA... just sitting there, smelling all delicious and mocking me.

After my port was accessed and I got changed (one gown on open to the back and another one on like a robe, my new favorite style, thank you nurse), I had to to wait a little bit while the previous patient finished but I was happy to hear J's voice coming from the CT room. The best kind of tech for me is one who makes it all seem like no big deal, like I just get a scan everyday and it's nothing. I don't even get the full spiel from J anymore, I'm just in and out with "don't forget to drink lots of water" and "see ya later."

As far as the MRI, which took about 45 minutes, I went through the trip to Colorado in my head a few times, distracting my brain from thinking about being wrapped down and pushed inside a tiny, confined space. I was mostly successful.

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