Since June 23rd, 2014

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Healthy(ish) looking

  • Abdominal ultrasound at Barnes West County Hospital
The technician who did my ultrasound today was professional and nice. She had reviewed my last CT and asked me a number of questions about my procedures from the summer. Since she isn't at Siteman nor specifically treating cancer patients, I can easily understand that she wouldn't know the ins and outs of every cancer treatment. This is just a guess but I would bet that an ultrasound tech sees a lot more lady parts than livers.

I did have to laugh to myself because her first question once we got settled was "so do you have a family history of colon cancer?" It's always the first question when I meet somebody new in a medical environment. Basically, why the heck does this 40 year-old healthy looking woman have stage IV colon cancer. If it could happen to her, could it happen to me? That's what I feel like is always running through their minds. I'm quite certain that when she called my name in the waiting room and I stood up, instead of the many gray haired people also there, her mouth dropped open for a few seconds.

Hopefully I'll hear from Dr. T's office this week about the results.

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