Since June 23rd, 2014

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

How much can one liver take?

I talked to Dr. P this morning. He was easy to talk to on the phone... and I am rarely comfortable on the phone talking about all of this medical stuff. That's some good news. Some bad news is that the scan we did after the Y90 procedure showed that only 2 of the 4 tumors in my liver received enough beads to likely be effective. And after the way that I've felt the past week, that was really hard to hear.

Thanks to the clinical trial we have this information today, rather than in 6 months, when the tumors would likely still be growing on a follow-up CT scan. So, what do we do with this information now that we have it?

The 2 tumors that didn't get enough beads are the most external ones and are good candidates for some type of ablation, either burning them or freezing them or basically microwaving them. So tomorrow I should hear from Dr. S's office about scheduling an ablation procedure.

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