So our DVR cut off the ending of Project Runway tonight and I had to pop onto Twitter to see if I could find out who was sent home. I searched for @ProjectRunway and up came a big group of tweets about tonight's episode. Surprisingly (or not, if you watched the episode), almost all of the tweets had to do with the behavior of the women's team in the episode. I think this tweet sums it up the best:
The crazy thing is that I wanted to say the exact same thing earlier tonight after my women's soccer game. And well, to be honest, after just about every one of my women's soccer games lately. When did become okay to be a bully?
My emotions run high on Xeloda. I know this. Hector knows this. More often than not, extended use of Xeloda involves starting an anti-depressant. I'm just not ready for that. So I do my best to keep my emotions in check. Sometimes it works and well, sometimes it doesn't. Tonight at my soccer game, one of my opponents was threatening one of my teammates, taunting her that she "deserved it" when she was getting fouled. In my head I'm thinking, am I just sensitive to this because I'm emotional or have we all just started accepting that kind of behavior as okay? Don't even get me started on the "woman" last month that brought one of my teammates to tears by bullying her about her weight.
I've already made the executive decision that I'm not going to play in this particular league anymore because it's just not enjoyable, so what can I do in my last couple of weeks there to make a difference. Anything?
I realize that this post has very little to do with cancer, but yet it does. Life is short. For all of us. Nobody is going to live forever. And you will be remembered by how you treat people. After all, you deserve it.
I have this same feeling about people lately. It's crazy to me what is considered "ok" behavior. So it might be that you are emotional, but it might not... The world has definitely changed. What to do? Great question. If you figure something out, please share!