Since June 23rd, 2014

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Hot mess

  • Appointment at the Siteman Cancer Care Clinic at Big Barnes
If this is what my future holds for me, I'm going to need to add my doctor's office to my Friends & Family plan**.  I'm just not good at being sick. I've traded voicemails and calls a couple times with a couple nurses today and I'm just freaking out. My abdomen is swollen and I understand that my CT was clear, but something doesn't feel right. The pain in my side is like a 6 on the 1-10 scale. Aaaaand I'm supposed to go out of the country on Sunday. Help.

I get an afternoon appointment at the clinic and my sister Laura swings by my office to take me... but after some negative blood work to check for a possible infection, I'm headed back home.

** Don't be insulted if you aren't on it by the way, it's purely hypothetical.

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