Since June 23rd, 2014

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Maroon 5

  • CT/MRI tests
In the summer of 2013 I had a couple of MRIs, of my neck and my back, during the process of trying to diagnose some numbness I was having on my left side, in my arm and leg. Originally I self-diagnosed myself with a back problem that was maybe pinching something, partially due to a friend having the same problem and partially due to WebMD. After a bunch of testing and an uneventful meeting with an MS specialist/neurologist, the numbness seemed to go away and that was that. BUT, long story long, the MRI machine was freaky! It is so loud, it sounds like you are laying inside a barrel that is being hit with a hammer or something. I thought I was prepared but I... was... not. During my first one, the music in the head set came on SO LOUD and I was already in the machine and I opened my eyes... and queue my freak out! I squeezed the emergency trigger in my hand and the tech rolled me back out. I'm still not sure how she convinced me to go back in.

And those memories came flooding back to me today as they rolled me into the machine, head phones on (at a quiet level as requested), all wrapped up, and freaking out! The test took about an hour I guess and I spent it imagining myself on a beach, playing soccer, laying in bed watching TV, and in between the loud noises and the announcements to hold my breathe, I spent it singing along (silently) to the music playing in the head phones. I definitely remember some Maroon 5.

Now I wait. The pictures (from the MRI and also from a CT that I had today) were sent to the radiologist for review and then the results will be sent to Dr. T, Dr. MM, and most importantly Dr. C. When I met with him in the beginning of December, he didn't anticipate being able to do anything during my surgery, but today's tests will confirm that, or possibly suggest something to be done. I'm scared to think about what's been going on inside this body of mine during the past month since chemo was stopped, but I'm about to find out.

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