Since June 23rd, 2014

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

This hip pain is no joke

  • Phone conversation with Dr. R's office
My left hip starts bothering me. First, only a little bit, and then, it's overwhelming. I'm having trouble walking around my office and I'm noticeably limping. And it hurts, a lot. Um... whoa, where is this coming from? It becomes unbearable and I make a call to Dr. R's office. They place an order with the hospital for a bone scan that I'll need to call and schedule. Upon leaving work, I first have a bit of a breakdown on the phone with one of my sisters (I later decide to place some of the blame of this on the flu about to hit me), I'm upset about this hip pain and the hundreds of what-ifs that are now running through my brain. Luckily, the breakdown finishes slightly before 5 so I am able to call and schedule the bone scan for Thursday morning.

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