Since June 23rd, 2014

Friday, November 28, 2014


  • Surgical appointment with Dr. G
It was good to see Dr. G and to talk surgery. And it was fun to show her some pictures from the wedding. But it was not good to go home and research the liver surgeon that she recommended. Some information on-line has raised a red flag for me. I'm not feeling confident. Since my employer changed health insurance companies in October, a bigger network of doctors and hospitals is now available to me. I've decided that I am going to look into getting a second surgical opinion.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Good news

  • Appointment with Dr. R for results of PET scan and treatment day #9
This week's appointment is moved up a day to Monday because of the Thanksgiving holiday. In order to be able to get fanny disconnected in 46 hours, I'll need to come in Monday/Wednesday instead of Tuesday/Thursday.

Hector and Laura are both with me for the appointment. While I may have heard some good news on Friday, today is the day that Dr. R is giving the full report. And it's good news! Great news! The PET scan shows that the active spots on the liver and one active lymph node have reacted well to the chemo and are resolved. We have a good and long conversation with Dr. R about changing my treatment to a more maintenance chemo at my next appointment. And for this appointment, we are discontinuing the Oxaliplatin, saving it for possibly using it again later and also because the neuropathy has gotten pretty bad.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Believe it

  • PET scan #2
Today started really, really, really early with a 6 a.m. PET scan. I find the technician to be super comforting and calming. The sitting and waiting... and then the actual scan... seem to pass with ease. Unexpectedly.

Word is that I will get the results of the PET scan on Monday during my appointment with Dr. R. However, this afternoon after work, I had to swing by the cancer center to get a Neupogen shot and I got to talking with my nurse. She pulled up the results and we read over the notes together. It sounds like really good news! I believe it but I can't believe it. I don't feel a real sense of relief though, maybe that will come on Monday. Or maybe with stage four, that will never come.

I wish I had the time and energy to share my full conversation with the nurse this afternoon. It was really quite funny. Being young and silly and I guess somewhat relate-able to the nurses, they seem to be so open to me, like I'm just sitting around talking with friends. But I guess you had to be there.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Wonder woman

I got a present in the mail today, you'll never guess what it is?!

Monday, November 17, 2014

My genes

  • Appointment with M at Dr. R's office for genetic testing consultation
Since I was diagnosed at 38 with a disease that has an average age of diagnosis in the 70s, there are questions, lots of questions. And genetic testing could provide answers to some of those questions.

There are a number of genetic abnormalities that are linked to colon cancer and other cancers as well. One syndrome in particular is Lynch Syndrome and it's risks for cancer are quite frightening, even for someone already diagnosed with stage four cancer.

At my appointment with M today, we went over my family history (no colon cancer) and she took a blood sample that will be sent to a lab in Utah for genetic testing. I went to the appointment by myself and I felt strong for the most part, but during my conversation with M, my voice does waver and she is comforting. The results of this testing won't change my current condition but it could affect the availability of future treatment regimes to me.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


  • Appointment with Dr. R and treatment day #8