The extra week off chemo means I do have a little more energy than usual this week, but I have still made time to be a lazy diva on the beach. And to be rocking my port.
I'm not one for big New Year's resolutions but I hope 2017 will bring me greater self-confidence and less grief. (I know it will take work on my part... as well as others in my life.) 2016 was a real
sense-of-self killer. It tested my faith, my marriage, my friendships, my career, my health, my spirit, my heart, my soul... and not everything has made it through without damage.
¡Adiós 2016! I've definitely come out the other side a different person.
a feeling of trust in one's abilities, qualities, and judgment
synonyms: | morale, confidence, self-assurance, assurance, assertiveness,
self-reliance, self-possession, composure; |
deep sorrow
synonyms: | sorrow, misery, sadness, anguish, pain, distress, heartache, heartbreak,
agony, torment, affliction, suffering, woe, desolation, dejection, despair;