Since June 23rd, 2014

Thursday, May 26, 2016

An interesting consult to save the day!

  • Appointment with Dr. S at Big Barnes
Before meeting Dr. S today, Brenda and I had a good 30 minute conversation with one of his fellows. I had to kind of start from the beginning as the fellow told me that he didn't have any information about my case. Oooookay. He explained that Dr. S had sent him in to see "an interesting consult." That's me. An interesting consult. Not exactly a superhero nickname, but I'll take it for now.

The procedure that we are here to talk about includes using beads to delivery radiation directly to my liver tumors. The science of it is pretty wild. I find it all really interesting. (If you think you might find it interesting, here's a good link to the website of one of the manufacturers: Sirtex spheres website.) After going over my history and the details of the procedure, the fellow steps out to relay the information to Dr. S.

A few minutes later, Dr. S comes into the room. He struggles to remember the fellow's name, so it's a good thing that I was paying attention. lol "It's Dr. J!" A light moment always helps to take the tension out of a room. Anyway, Dr. S has examined my most recent MRI (from before the surgery) and spoken to Dr. T... and they agree that this procedure is a good option for me. Limited risks and down time with the goal of shrinking the liver tumors. We like shrinkage.

My recovery buddy

Monday, May 23, 2016

The shortest walk

Moving around is an important part of recovery.  Soooo... I moved around a little today, less than I originally planned when I left the house, but it did get me outside for a few minutes.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Not right

  • Visit to the ER at Barnes West County Hospital and a head CT
I was at home by myself this afternoon (alone really for the first time since my surgery) and my left arm and left leg fell asleep. First it was my leg. I thought maybe I had been sitting funny so I got up and walked around. No relief. Then 5 minutes later, my left arm fell asleep. Pins and needles, numbness, some weakness. Definitely not normal. I looked over my discharge papers and it mentions to call into the office about any numbness. When I speak to the PA in Dr. C's office, she recommends that Hector come home and take me to the local ER.

The ER doctor runs a head CT and everything looks fine on that. He seems convinced that everyone reacts differently to chemo and that it is from the chemo. But I haven't had chemo since March 22nd. And it has been more than a year since I have had the drug oxaliplatin, which is the drug that caused all of my numbness. But I'm tired and there's really nothing else to do... and they aren't worried. So we are sent home with a medicine for anxiety and something for muscle spams. Seriously. (I don't take either one.)

Last year, after the 10 rounds of oxaliplatin, I did have a lot of numbness in my hands and feet (not up my leg nor in my arm). Within a few months though, my hands felt pretty normal and my feet, while not totally normal, do feel better. But today's numbness was my foot AND my leg up to my knee, and my hand AND my arm up to my elbow. It was unnerving and is unnerving... as it still remains.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Yeah yeah yeah

  • Appointment with Dr. C in the CAM building
Listening to Dr. C outside the room and hearing all of the information constantly being told to him as he goes in and out of other rooms I realized that Dr. C is one busy and amazing doctor. I overheard one of the PAs presenting my case to him and she said just a couple of details, "Mrs. Burns, 40 year-old woman with colon cancer, liver..." and he cut her off with a "oh yeah yeah yeah" and burst right in to the room. It must take a lot to keep all of his cases straight but at least I'm still memorable.

Today's appointment was pretty easy. The staples came out and everything looks to be healing okay. Dr. C had me moving around to check for a hernia and I passed all the tests.

And just like that we're done... and I'll probably never see him again.

Bummer, I really liked him.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

P-L-A-N, what's that spell? H-O-P-E

  • Appointment with Dr. T at Siteman South County
My sisters and Hector all came with me to meet with Dr. T today. We talked about our options for going forward, maintenance chemo, other surgical options, radiation options, additional chemo options, etc. Of course nothing can happen until I have recovered from surgery. So while I am recovering over the next couple of weeks, Dr. T is going to set me up for some consultations with specialists to work on the plan.

Friday, May 13, 2016


  • Released from the hospital for home
It's just 20 staples. Another scar to add to my collection. But it is good to be home.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Fly by

I finally got to see some sunshine today. And a helicopter fly by just for me.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Apparently there have been some problems with cable TV service in St. Louis tonight. But not here at Barnes. Hey, I was awake... for part of it!

Monday, May 9, 2016


It's a good day for some surgery. I'm sure Dr. C is getting a good night's rest and he will be sharp and ready to go in a couple of hours. #nervousnotnervous #scarednotscared

Friday, May 6, 2016

Are YOU ready for this?

  • Colonoscopy with Dr. MM at Barnes West County
Dr. MM's fellow made a joke about the colonoscopy going quickly due to my shortened colon. And then it was over. It was all clear and that's good news! 

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

I've been assessed

  • CPAP appointment at Big Barnes (Center for Preoperative Assessment and Planning)

Ever so slightly

  • Appointment with Dr. C in the CAM building at Big Barnes

Let's change the station

  • MRI at Big Barnes
Tech: "Is (xyz) radio station okay?"
Me: "Sure."

Cue music. Er cue morning talk show. Cue discussion about the number of deaths caused by medical mistakes. Cue data highlighting medical mistakes that cause approximately 250,000 deaths per year.

That can't possibly be right. Can it?