- Bloodwork, appointment with Dr. T and treatment at Siteman South County
I'm only about 10 days out from my oral surgery so I was anticipating some bloodwork and a nice chat with Dr. T today, but as a bonus... I got some Avastin too. For
minor surgery, he says that we only need to wait 1-2 weeks to restart the Avastin. And I'll start my week of Xeloda tonight... I didn't even bring it with me this morning. The bleeding (I'm still not fully healed) could get worse for a few days but my instructions are just to use more cotton pads. Happy (almost) Birthday to me!
I am happy to be back on chemo. DID I REALLY JUST WRITE THAT? Well, it's true. I'm happy to be back doing something to fight this stupid cancer. I thought I would be feeling amazing with this break, but I honestly have not felt any different. And my bloodwork today looks the same as it usually does too. What the? I'm sure there are parts of my body that enjoyed the break but they aren't showing it too loudly.