Since June 23rd, 2014

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Tiny quiet happy parts

  • Bloodwork, appointment with Dr. T and treatment at Siteman South County
I'm only about 10 days out from my oral surgery so I was anticipating some bloodwork and a nice chat with Dr. T today, but as a bonus... I got some Avastin too. For minor surgery, he says that we only need to wait 1-2 weeks to restart the Avastin. And I'll start my week of Xeloda tonight... I didn't even bring it with me this morning. The bleeding (I'm still not fully healed) could get worse for a few days but my instructions are just to use more cotton pads. Happy (almost) Birthday to me!

I am happy to be back on chemo. DID I REALLY JUST WRITE THAT? Well, it's true. I'm happy to be back doing something to fight this stupid cancer. I thought I would be feeling amazing with this break, but I honestly have not felt any different. And my bloodwork today looks the same as it usually does too. What the? I'm sure there are parts of my body that enjoyed the break but they aren't showing it too loudly.

Friday, February 19, 2016

And the owl says "who"

An illustrated short story about being diagnosed with cancer, some good points here.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Ferme la bouche

  • Appointment with Dr. S, oral surgeon, at Big Barnes
My mouth is still pretty sore but my check-up this morning confirms that I do not have an infection and that I am healing... slllllooooowly. (Thank you Avastin.) The surgeon thinks that I should be good to go in about a week.

It doesn't really start bothering me until later in the day, after eating and talking. So I suppose the key here is to keep my mouth closed. I managed to forget my ice pack so I'm using paper towels and quickly melting ice instead. I don't think this will last very long... =)

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Yee haw

  • Appointment with Dr. S, oral surgeon, at Big Barnes
I had to say good-bye to one of my teeth today. The oral surgeon determined that it was best to take it out. I can't say that I'm sad to see it go because of all the pain and headaches that it has been causing, but the reflection in the mirror definitely looks a little bit more hill-billy now.

And as far as oral surgeon appointments go, it was nice. The office staff were all nice, friendly and informative. And the surgeon made me feel at ease and he was super comforting. We talked about my treatment and he made me feel like he was genuinely interested. I have to say that my oncologist's office made the right recommendation for me for this surgeon.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Enough to get by

  • Dentist appointment
My dentist feels like I need to see an oral surgeon. So today he placed a temporary filling on the tooth to help get me by until I can get in to see an oral surgeon. I called into my oncologist's office and they gave me a recommendation for an oral surgeon down at Big Barnes. I took the first appointment available and it's only a week away.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

1 bean, 2 bean, red bean, blue bean

I might not be the GM of a NHL team, but I wholeheartedly agree that continuing to work has been good for me. And being public IS hard, but even if he just saved that one person, that's enough.